As you know, I love to have the television on in my sewing room - sometimes I'm just listening, sometimes I 'm watching. Last night, I watched an episode of I Love Lucy and I was laughing so hard I was snorting (don't tell anyone that sometimes happens when I laugh too hard). I had been having a rough week at work, not bad, just rough. You know the kind of week I mean - when you feel like everything you start doesn't get finished, and the "to-do" pile on your desk is getting bigger instead of smaller. That was my week!
Coming home and heading up into the sewing space made me feel somehow better, more powerful, and certainly happier. Even though I knew I might not finish a project, I could surround myself with things I love. There is just something wonderful about bonding with a little fabric; organizing my Aurifil threads in a pleasing palette; hanging my rulers back in their spots; and dreaming about projects I want to create. I was having a peaceful domestic scene.
I had a big mess on my cutting table from a project I had worked on earlier in the week, so I calmly got it organized and put away. I felt a sense of accomplishment that I just didn't get at work this week. Yes, it's true, sometimes I feel like I spend more time cleaning the sewing room, than actually sewing in it! Making the room tidy made me feel powerful.
During the episode of Lucy, she was making her usual signature faces. The expressions that Lucille Ball mastered are mind boggling! Her comedic abilities are unparalleled. She could convey an entire story in a single look. Her expressions could be frozen and used as writing prompts for a college creative writing course.
Fast forward to this morning. I woke and proceeded to go through my normal morning routine - checking social media while drinking my coffee. My friend Sue, who is not a quilter had this picture posted to her page - I laughed so hard I nearly snorted my coffee up my nose! (I think I need to work on that snorting.)
This was an "AHA" moment. I then realized that it was up to me to practice a little creative writing of my own, and use Lucy's expressions as that writing prompt I envisioned and pretend "Lucy is a quilter". I think I captioned her photos below pretty accurately. I'd love to hear from my followers to see if they agree - one face says it all!
By the way, as I begin a project today, I'm making the same face Lucy is making in the bottom left hand corner - "See I was right to buy 3 yards". Which face will you be making?