
About Me

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Crafting is my passion - just call me a crafting insomniac. If I'm missing - you can find me in my "she-shed" or a craft store. My crafty alter-ego, Lola and I have loads of fun. I never thought I'd have an imaginary friend at my age - but in a house full of men - it's great to have a crafty sister to share all my crafty life and stitching adventures.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We Are Not Alone!

Dear Lola,

Is it only me or have you also noticed all the sewing, quilting and needle arts stories out there in the media?  It is confirmed – We Are Not Alone!  It is remarkable to see the high volume of media coverage and the vast spectrum of “Sewing News”.

Here are just a few links to stories I have seen in recent news:

New York Times – Dusting Off the Sewing Machine
Altoona Mirror – It’s Sew Easy
Market Watch – The Most Beloved of Sewing Supplies
Oregon Live -  Sewing the Handmade Movement
The OC Register – Sew Your Own Summer Style
Picayune Item – Ladies of Tuesday Morning Quilters
Richmond Register – Quilt Square Placed on County Library
Cleveland. Com – Passion for Quilting

I think it is totally awesome to see that “sew” many are finding quilting, sewing and needle arts as a way to connect, improve their own lives and touch the lives of others.   Many of the stories highlight groups that are donating items they have created.  Other stories reveal how sewing has enriched peoples’ lives and given them confidence and useful skills.  The media also clearly thinks this is all worth reporting!  

Of course, some of what I read isn't "news", it is social media, but even on the pages of Facebook and Pinterest - sewing feels like it is exploding into the mainstream.  Today during my morning check in on Facebook, The Modern Quilt Guild’s page had a post about a boy who just finished his first quilt.  The number of “Likes” this post got is approaching 50 and it’s still early in the day!  Who couldn’t like that?  With so many of today’s kids embracing texting, video games and other passive activities, it just warms my heart to see all the stories about young sewists. 

I am inspired to see that young people in Monterey California are offered a “Catwalk Camp” from a fashion designer.  Wish I had something like that when I was a kid!  Picking up sewing as a young person has to be infinitely easier than picking it up as you are approaching 50 like I did!

This sewing fever of sorts – I hope it lasts and lasts.  I know I much prefer reading about creativity, design, and charity to reading about the economy and the campaign trail.  I adore the heart-warming stories of donated quilts to displaced Afghan orphans and homemade/handmade dresses to little girls in Africa.  I am thrilled to learn of ladies traveling to remote villages to teach sewing skills and empower women to build their own small businesses.   Organizations like Fount of Mercy are so inspirational.

All of the media coverage has inspired me to add a "Sewing News" Tab to my Browser Home Page.  I have placed the Tab at the top of my Home Page.  I may not be able to prioritize the news for the rest of the world, but it is very rewarding to be able to check out the "Sewing News" for myself before reading about the deficit and government officials who can't get along.  When I open my "Sewing News" Tab, I think: "Finally - News I Can Use!"  lol!

I do believe there are plenty of like minded people out there – sewists who believe like me – put us in charge and we can stitch the world back together and cover it with love.  What I have believed for the last 5 years is true – Sewing is Magical!

Hugs and stitches,

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